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Father and Son

Bright Futures Roadmap

Burlington Pediatrics/ Mebane Pediatrics partners with you in your child's growth and development. As your medical home, we follow the American Academy of Pediatrics' Bright Futures guidelines for well visits. These comprehensive visits monitor your child's growth, development, nutrition, and include preventive health services such as vaccines and screens for lead, cholesterol, and social-emotional health, mental health. 


You can view tips by age by clicking on each well-visit below:

Anchor 1

Vaccine Schedule

Our practice adheres to the immunization schedule recommended by the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics. 


For further information, please review the CDC Vaccines by Age resource page. 


Behavioral Health Screens

Burlington Pediatrics/ Mebane Pediatrics uses CHADIS, a HIPAA-compliant program that enables our patients and families to complete questionnaires and surveys in a convenient electronic format. 

Burlington Pediatrics

530 West Webb Ave

Burlington, NC 27217

(336) 228-8316

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